Sunday 31 March 2013

Tips on safari in Tanzania

Tips on safari in Tanzania
Tanzania is a paradise for the adventurous safari. Unique natural texture and diversity of flora and fauna make Tanzania to be one of the major destinations for foreign tourists on safari fun.

Country located in East Africa has several National Parks and Conservation Areas are famous, such as the Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro National Park, Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area, Ruaha National Park, and many other similar-scattered across the country.

Here are some tips if you want a safari in Tanzania.

1. Contact safari team of professional travel agents who many exist in East Africa or their representatives in Asia.

2. They will help booking travel tickets from Jakarta pp and information and other services such as visas, travel insurance, accommodation, and so on.

3. The team consists of a safari guide, driver and cook. They are equipped cars rover 4x4 and camping equipment complete. Do not forget to leave a tip of 10 dollars per day for every one of them.

4. Equip yourself with: a complete travel documents, travel insurance, cash (because of the difficulty of access to ATMs), drugs, anti mosquito cream, sunscreen, flashlight (preferably that can be mounted on the forehead), sunglasses, scarves to cover the nose and mouth due to dusty conditions during the road trip, hats, clothing that absorbs sweat, warm jacket anti wind, wet wipes (also tissue rolls), sandals and shoes comfortable for walking. Do not forget binoculars to see details of the animals from a distance, and a photo camera to capture special moments on safari.

5. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration during a safari trip.

6. Obliged to respect the local culture and customs and littering are strictly prohibited

Increased Online Searches, Keep Traditional Way

Increased Online Searches, Keep Traditional Way
Since five years ago, the online travel search on Google in Indonesia increased by 50-fold. The main quest that include flights, hotels, and tourist destinations.
This was disclosed by Head of Travel, Google Indonesia, Henky Prihatna, the seminar Web In Travel, Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3/2013) ago. "Search on airlines such as airlines, hotels and tourist destination on Google search about 2 million per day," he said.
Uniquely, added Henky, seekers are mostly mobile users. Mobile users to donate 27 percent of all searches on the Google search. In fact, Henky say, 1 in 4 search on Google is a mobile user.
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Undarsa, also said similar things, namely mobile internet usage will be more than using a computer. "The trend to use mobile community continues to rise. Indeed many people who know the start of the mobile internet, from a smartphone than a PC," he said.
"Some 17 percent of people do searches trip through mobile applications, 12 percent download mobile applications associated with travel," said Undarsa.
However, despite the relatively high through mobile search, it turns out, said Brata Rafly, Commercial Director of Mandala, through mobile revenue remains low. Rarely the booking transaction"Indonesia's market it is extremely high for an online search, especially mobile and thanks to mobile development can be 100 percent. Though high search online via smartphones, but that does booking is still low," said Brata.
However, added Brata, there are still many people who do a search even booking through traditional means, namely through the travel agent. "Traditional Offline travel still exist, they are usually the first-time traveler. They went to travel agents who sell tickets," said Brata.
The problem, Brata, to be able to perform online transactions via credit card are required at least ATM. While not all people have it, so, there are still pay using cash. So they went to the travel providers.
"That would not fly but baseball had credit cards or they have money but baseball has a credit card that we could actually use the ATM payments. Usually they contact our call center or use the packages in the travel agent," added Joey Brata.

Tips for Women Traveler

Tips for Women Traveler
You are a woman and want to vacation alone? Why not. However, as the womenfolk especially is traveling alone, must have had extra security self. Because women are particularly vulnerable to becoming targets of crime.
There are several reasons why women so easily become targets of crime by Marybeth Bond, a travel writer, told the Huffington Post. Among other things, they often lack awareness of the state of the surrounding environment, the body language of women who tend to be shy, and often in the wrong place and the wrong time.
To prevent the occurrence of crime in women, especially while on vacation, keep in mind the following things.
Applies like being in the city itselfBeware on any events that are around. More sensitive to bad things that might happen at any time. Be careful in crowded environments, because it could be the most dangerous.
If you are alone, do not drive through the dark and empty street especially at night. It's good to insure yourself while on the move.
Follow instinctIf you feel something strange around, tanggaplah quickly. Run faster, run, scream, or do anything quickly invite people to come in to help.
Keeping clothesNote the local culture in dress, Mingle with the local community by using the right clothes. If in doubt, do not use the clothes you bring if not fit with the culture of the local people dressed up, and if you have to go out at night, have a long jacket to cover your body parts.
Body languageKeep outlook and stepped confidently. If your attitude like a confused tourist who became an easy target for fraud. If you are being followed or feel something is threatening, do not hesitate to report to local officials.
Try to sit close to the set of her or other family, as if you are part of them.
Wedding ringConsider using a wedding ring on the finger to avoid the view of those around about the detail that is in your body.
MoneyBring enough money to pay, do not show it to many people if you bring a lot of money. Be careful also to strangers who offered food or drink.

Travelling First, Then Share Stories.

Travelling First, Then Share Stories.
Trends in the travel plans changed along with the growth of the search and through the online payment system. As expressed by the Head of Travel Google Indonesia, Henky Prihatna, the seminar Web In Travel, Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/03/2013) and then, the plot traveled usually consists of five things: the dream, plan, book , travel and share stories.

"Five things Indonesia arrange the type, ie dreaming, planning, booking, experience, and sharing. Usually they are divided into two, namely travel for business or just having fun," he said.

Become tourist destinations are also varied. For overseas are usually the most popular are Singapore, Malaysia, USA and Hong Kong. While the country is Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, Malang, Yogyakarta, Medan and Semarang.

"As many as 15 percent of their business travel needs, while 84 per cent just to have fun," he added.

Search and payments for tourism through online also eventually increase the use of credit cards that are spent for tourism.

However, according to AVP Product Development BNI Credit Card, Prih Harwadi, the increase is not too high for security reasons. "People are not too many who use credit cards for shopping tours because they are not sure of its safety. Fact, online credit card more secure now," he said.

Prih revealed, most people shop for tourism is to buy a plane ticket and hotel room bookings. "For travel purposes, the dominant chose Singapore Indonesia and Malaysia," added Prih.

Bogor Botanical Gardens crowded with visitors

Bogor Botanical Gardens crowded with visitors
Thousands of visitors fill the weekend to coincide with the Easter holiday in Bogor Botanical Gardens, one of the attractions in the city of rain, Sunday (03/31/2013).According to the Civil Administration Ticketing Bogor Botanical Gardens, Suciyarno increased number of visitors this weekend from a normal day. "There was a slight surge in the number of visitors, about 15 percent, on Friday and Saturday," said Suciyarno.Holy detailing the number of visitors to the Bogor Botanical Gardens on Easter holiday on Friday (03/29/2013) based on the number of tickets sold that many as 6014 tickets. This number increased on Saturday (30/03/2013) of 6373 tickets.When compared to the previous weekend, Saturday (03/23/2013) botanical garden visitor numbers as 2827 tickets on Sunday and reach the 4231 ticket.These visitors, mostly from family and personal circles. Different when the working day, visitors were dominated visiting school children. In addition, the visitors this weekend not only from the domestic but also foreign nationals. "Of the number of inbound visitors, 10 percent are foreign visitors," says Saint.According to the Bible, despite the surge of visitors this weekend but the increase was not significant when compared to the peak increase in visitor numbers in Bogor Botanical Garden occurred on Eid in 2012 where one day reach the 23,000 tickets sold.When compared with normal days, the number of visitors Bogor Botanical Gardens, on average 1,000 to 2,500. A large number of visitors to the Bogor Botanical Gardens are also affected by the weather.When the holiday weekend weather in the city of Bogor is erratic, sometimes hot in the morning until noon and sudden rain in the afternoon, while the operating hours of the Bogor Botanical Gardens beginning at 8:00 a.m. to 17:00 hrs. "We look at the schedule, at 16:30 hrs, when it rained and the atmosphere in the garden was deserted, we pull the ticket," says Saint.To be able to enjoy a holiday in Bogor Botanical Garden, visitors can buy a ticket for Rp 14,000 per person for domestic and Rp 25,000 per person for foreigners.

The Other Side of New York Festive Offers

The Other Side of New York Festive Offers
MOST tourists who visit the city of New York, the United States, would immediately go see the modern town atmosphere and full of light in Manhattan. However, when looking for cheap, Long Island City in Queens is an attractive option.

Tourists are now getting interested to visit the other side of New York in Long Island City. Parts of the city offers cheap accommodation and tourist attractions that are not less interesting than Manhattan, quoted from Dailymail, Saturday (03/23/2013).

Approximately 15 hotels have opened in Long Island City since 2006, ranging from boutique hotels to large hotels. From this area, you can see views of New York skyline and easy access to taxi, subway, or ferry.

Long Island City has many attractions, such as water parks, museums, and many restaurants. Even so, the flagship is ex-industrial building that became the identity of local communities. For example, a former piano factory, which opened since 1870s, where tourists can take a tour to explore it.

In addition, the film is also one of the mainstay industries of this place. Here are The Museum of the Moving Image, which in 1920 is a movie studio and has produced a silent film in the past. You can see the old movie camera and movie costumes past.

Culinary in Long Island City is also interesting. This area is known as an ethnic Greek village, so many restaurants serving the country. But not only that, food here is very diverse, ranging from Asian to European cuisine.

Hotels in Australia Give Discounts When Rain Falls

Hotels in Australia Give Discounts When Rain Falls
ON VACATION rainy season? Certainly not fun, because you are so obstructed to explore tourist places and had to stay in the hotel. A hotel in Australia offers exciting, which is a discount if you stay when it was raining.

Noosa International Resort in Queensland provide attractive offers for tourists not disappointed though when on holiday in rainy season. The resort offers guests a 20 percent discount for when it rains when they stay.

Noosa International Resort Director Richard Stephens said the offer is given to attract tourists to keep coming despite the bad weather. "Last week after the offer is given, increased hotel bookings," Stephens said, as quoted by SMH, Sunday (03/31/2013).

The rain made ​​the hotel reservations while declining in the Easter holiday resort. However, the presence of attractive discounts, returns from a lot of people who flock to the resort that is known as a tropical vacation.

Over the past few months, Queensland hit by four hurricanes, floods, cold and rain that makes the state of Australia known as the 'Sunshine Coast' is deserted tourist.

5 Prohibition when Sleep in Hotel

5 Prohibition when Sleep in Hotel
STAY at the hotel would be nice with all full facility. However, do not be lulled by the comfort you get, because precautions should still be prioritized.

When staying at a hotel, make sure you do not do the following, as reported Smartertravel.

Use the TV remote
Like a lot of information circulating, the television remote is one of a nest of germs and bacteria in the hotel. Therefore, reduce the use of remote TV to keep you from possible health problems. Do not forget to bring an antiseptic solution to clean your hands.

Leaving behind valuables
If you bring valuables such as jewelery, united in a single container. Do not let the small stuff scattered in the room. It is not likely you will forget when packing when to leave the hotel.

Forgot to put a "do not disturb"
Attach a "do not disturb" if you want to really enjoy the comfort of the hotel for a rest after a long journey. This sign is prevent you from distractions hotel janitor who want a clean room.

Opening the door carelessly
When I heard the sound of the bell or knock on the door, do not immediately open it. Typically, the hotel room doors will be fitted a small hole for you to see the guests. Before opening the door, you should make sure to know the person.

Keep food at random
Do not store food occasionally vain, especially in bed. If you accidentally eat it on the bed, as soon as the hotel must be clean. This is to prevent small animals that will disturb your sleep.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Picnic Fun Stay Beautiful

Picnic Fun Stay Beautiful
Travel to exciting places not to be identical with the appearance of makeshift or even untidy. Marischka Prudence, one of the consultants Valadoo-digital-based tour company insisted that a woman can still be stylish for traveling to destinations of natural and cultural adventure.

Travel blogger nicknamed Prue can still be pretty exciting when they go to the place. Through Valadoo release, Prue share stories and tips related to the proof that a number of adventure destinations.

Derawan Islands

On the island is famous for its baharinya you can have fun and stylish at the docks pretty typical feature of tropical Indonesia. Activities island hopping from island Derawan, Sangkalaki, Maratua, and Kakaban not be boring because each island has its own charm. Maritime property Derawan Islands is ranked second only to Raja Ampat.

If lucky, you can see rare animals such as dugongs, stingrays ghost, coconut crab, dolphin and barracuda. In Kakaban, you can see jellyfish lake is said there are only two in the world. Take pictures under water with thousands of stingless jellyfish that adorable would be very cool!

Tips: before Derawan fun, do not forget to use sunblock before the move to avoid sun burn ya!

Bandung Fixed So Travelers Choice Malaysia

Bandung Fixed So Travelers Choice Malaysia
While other tourist destinations have started to see an increase in demand, but London is still to be excellent for Malaysian tourists who are going on holiday to Indonesia. This can be seen in the exhibition tourism Malaysia travel agents association (MATTA Fair 2013) which was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur 15 to 17 March 2013.
"Until now, Bandung is still the top choice of tourists from Malaysia. The percentage of about 30 percent," said the deputy director of the Asean region for tourism promotion, Chrismiastutie when met on the sidelines Tempo closing MATTA Fair, Sunday (17/03).
In addition to Bandung, also started looking at the Malaysian tourists other tourist destinations. "In addition to bandung, they also tertari to Bali and Yogyakarta, as well as to Medan and areas other tourist destinations in Sumatra," said Chrismiastutie.
He added that eastern Indonesia tourist destination areas such as Makassar and Lombok is also an increase in interest. "It is driven by a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Makassar and Lombok," he said.
Given the magnitude of the interest of Malaysian tourists who will visit the Flower City, Chrismiastutie hope that local pemerintar can improve facilities and infrastructure. "We hope that the local government there can improve the existing infrastructure. For tourists coming to London can enjoy the holiday with a comfortable as well as expected there will be more tourists."
Shahrul Hisham who came with his wife, Nur Aini and two children plan to visit London during the school holidays to come. "I've been three times to Bandung. Insyaallah school holidays to come I will take the children back to London," said the man from Selangor.
Shopping and traditional foods that fit on the tongue sunda be Shahrul Hisham's family appeal for return spent school holidays in London. "It was nice. We can find shopping and delicious food and halal," said Nur Aini.

Swimming in the beauty of stalactites Central Swimming Hamilton

Swimming in the beauty of stalactites Central Swimming Hamilton
SWIMMING in the natural pool, satisfaction clearly larger. Clear water brings feelings of relaxation, as well as the surrounding landscape, as presented Swimming Hamilton.

Hamilton Pool is a natural pool which is famous among tourists. This pond was formed after a dome of an underground river collapsed due to massive erosion thousands of years ago approximately.

A natural pool which is located in Austin is surrounded by huge slabs of limestone. It was beautiful to see around the edge of the pool water. Meanwhile, on the part of the ceiling with stalactites are some fairly large in size.

Not only that, a beautiful waterfall as high as 50 meters you can find. From a pool of water that falls from. Although over the summer when the water was receding, this waterfall was never looks dry, just a trickle of water down.

Hamilton swimming pool
is approximately 37 kilometers in the west of Austin. Since 1960, Outdoor Hamilton is well known among tourists and citizens of Austin. Even from that, swimming is a favorite when summer comes, as reported from AmusingPlanet, Thursday (28/03/2013).

In this place, tourists can see many beautiful plants. So when bathing, but can make the body relax, even this place can give coolness to the eye.

Let's Go Around Europe Before Aged 27 Years!

Let's Go Around Europe Before Aged 27 Years!
ONE of the best ways to explore Europe is by train, via the Eurail. The good news for those of you who are under 26 years old will receive a special discount for train tickets!

Europe is one of the favorite tourist destinations of Indonesian tourists. Take a trip to the continent's advantage is that you can easily reach many of the country by road are usually cheaper, by train.

Interestingly, the European railways, Eurail also offer different rates according to age passengers. Passengers between the age of 17-26 years old will get a special price!

For instance Eurail Global Pass tickets, the ticket can be used to 24 countries in Europe within a certain timeframe. Passenger ticket or ticket-old Youth 17-26 years old for 15 days only charged approximately Rp 4, 5 million. Very cheap when compared to an adult ticket for Rp7.000.000.

Global ticket is valid for 15.21 days to one to three months, with prices varying. Want a more flexible traveling, you can buy a ticket the canal for at least 10 days to two months Rp5, 3 million or 15 days to two months for Rp7.000.000.

This ticket is valid for around Europe, from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Slovakia , Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

"Usually this global ticket most popular among wisawatawan Indonesia, because it is easier and cheaper," said Nina Nurma from Indonesia to Okezone RailEurope when found in Astindo Fair 2013 some time ago.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Spain outskirts of the One It Is Cool

Spain outskirts of the One It Is Cool

Spanish suburbs? Maybe it's just a term we have now come to this place. San Sebastian, known as Donostia in the language of basques. Called the "fringe" because it borders France, and the town is located on the shores of Cantabrico.
When I consider it charming or cool as the call comes out of the mouth of our children when we entered the city car, as he entered the Spanish border, frankly not a fun sight eye. Settlements made us a little rundown no enthusiasm at first. Because thought is that what you would like tersajikan later? Plus jammed, also feels a sense ketir be complete.
Slowly, the streets began smoothly, and changed its bright pleasant sight. Atmosphere of modern city with an ancient blend makes the eyes bigger, busy catching picture missing from the window.
Beaches!!! It called for the little guy! Kang Dada (David) and my kids, is a big fan of the beach. If you can possibly have a house on the beach.
After finding a parking spot to detect the passage of a vehicle with a scanner system, we finally managed to find the place empty. It's a powerful smell sometimes confuse and make us feel stuttering technology.
Ohhh, the beauty of ... This eye when combined with the breadth of limitless sea. I'm used to the beach, let alone my house is only ten minutes from the seafront. The term breakfast at the end of the week, looking at the beauty of the beach and the ocean has become commonplace. But the beach at that moment in my heart, is very touching. 've Bought this heart, because it is made pounding.
Vast beaches, and when the foot is touching the sand, wow! Kok sensation that I felt much like walking in the snow huh? Because of the thickness of the sand! If I may imagine, seemed immersed in salt, crackle-crackle so.
Where exactly is San Sebastian? The town is also known as Donostia, located in the north of Spain and is the capital of the province of Gipuzkoa (basque language).
San Sebastian is a bookie, with coastal views. Bend bay with water to form a blue-green sea, only 20 km from France. During World War I the city of San Sabstian been known as the city kosmoplitan.
Mata Hari's real name was Margaretha Geertruida (dancer who also doubles as a spy during World War I), Maurice Ravel (the leading French composer), Maria Cristina, Queen of Spain who chose the city of San Sebastian as a place of residence, while her husband King Alfonso XII, died. There are many other prominent leaders who have fallen in love with it and make as Donostia vacation spot to build their castle residence.
Therefore, the stately old building heyday many relics left behind and maintained. Fun once enjoyed and become the object of beautiful photos. Urbanist town has a charming bay with three famous beaches, Zurriola, Ondarreta and la Concha. The latter la Concha, a primadonanya.
Imagine, when we were at the beach with golden sand softness and thickness, the two offer so fantastic scenery. Side of the city, the building of the rocks, as if carved into a beautiful palace. Side of the sea, turquoise color white foaming waves crashing results.
As far as the eye sees, sea level will not be caught, only the ships are sailing, make us guess their purpose.
That made me so fascinated with the Donostia is la Concha bay shore, shaped like a crescent moon and on it there are wide sidewalks. I say extensive, because it is huge! Love this foot walking along the sidewalk! The bench sits everywhere, passing people who exercise running, bermesaraan couples, parents with their children while occasionally stopping stroll or just enjoy the sea gulls that fly near, to eat a meal eyes.
But surely the most common are those that are busy posing, in order to get a cool style as memorable results this holiday in northern Spain.
Before we visited the old town, both our children are whining for immediate furnikular train ride (cable car), which brings us to the top of the hill Monte Igueldo. To reach the cable car station, we chose to walk along the sidewalk with beach la Concha who met Ondarreta beach.
The kids wanted to Monte Igueldo because according to tourism officials, there are playground. Up furnikular, it's cheap, less than 3 euros, every 15 minutes there is always, from 10.00 until 22.00. Of course, old-fashioned wooden train ride, it makes our son with joy.
Once on top, ahhh ... there is a sense of disappointment. Because we found a playground, a park attraction like in Dufan in Ancol but very old-fashioned!
Whispering, I murmured to Kang Dada, if the picture given tourism officials said, it was not right! But seeing your child actually jumping for joy, be we obey his desire to play. Ride cars and so on. Frankly, my husband is not the type who likes this kind of entertainment, but the names of parents, children fun, it's an obligation ...
Satisfied play we started to enjoy the beauty of the spread of the hill. The city of San Sebastian increasingly look full of beauty. Monte Urgull, a hill located between the old town of San Sebastian and the Paseo Nuevo, also become part of the gorgeous panorama visible. Here, a suitable place to capture a memorable photo. The old town, the beach and the sea and the hills, a perfect backdrop.
Down from Monte Igueldo, we headed for the beach Ondarreta, beaches are famous for a giant rock edges, where the results Eduardo Chillida sculpture on display to the public, as if it was part of the beach.
Artist Chillida, was born in Donostia San Sebastian. He is an artist who is most famous for his work has won many awards and exhibited in many countries.
Sculpture of the iron works were stuck on the reef and the beach is a fusion between water and land. Mesmerizing blend that is now the place where locals and tourists come to enjoy a relaxing day, while looking at the exhibits open.
When the clock struck 14:30 we decided to look for lunch. If according to the normal size, the name of this late meal! But in Spain, the meals were very late compared to other countries. Breakfast starts at 10 am, lunch from 14:00 and dinner is worse, can only be enjoyed after 9 pm!
The food was well-known in this area is 'pintxos' a kind of small sandwiches with various contents according to taste. Of course tapas menu is certainly a kind of typical food here.
For those of you that Muslims, in choosing pintxos or tapas should ask each one with its contents carefully. Because pintxos mostly from pork.
Smoked meat by local people highly preferred. We chose bersaus fries, calamari and some sandwiches that contain tuna and eggs.
Right! Pintxos the little sandwiches are delicious eaten! Because small taste kenyangnya, so long, and there we had to buy quite a lot. Apparently small for between 2 to 4 euros only, it now pays to be a pretty staggering figure!
Heartburn with lunch, time to measure the road, aka go on tour.
In the old town of San Sebastian, a lot of which can be visited. Beautiful churches, some museums that must be visited, such as the naval museum especially for marine enthusiasts. And of course, Chillida museum. There, the art on display is stunning, both in her garden with a giant sculpture, or the result of scratches his museum building.
The rest, enjoy Donostia San Sebastian by walking in the old town or along the coast. For me, San sebastian, like Rio de Janeiro in the heart of Basque.

Tips "Packing" for the Traveling Purse

Tips "Packing" for the Traveling Purse
Affairs packing bag or suitcase for travel may be used. What about packing your wallet before it traveled?
In fact, resemble the wallet is as important as packing your bags. Especially if you will be traveling out of town or overseas. Wallet will often be something you carry.
Money. Put enough cash in my wallet. Although payments can already store cards, still carrying cash.
Cash is required to pay as a roadside hawker or during a visit to the market. Some areas in Indonesia are also many who do not have ATM machines especially card transaction.
Do not put all your money in your wallet for a tour. Break into your suitcase, handbag, and your pocket.
Better yet, if you have a money belt, sort of a small waist bag to put the money. These bags are placed on the shirt, so it is hidden from sight.
When traveling, bring cash for your needs during the day. While the rest of the cash can you store in a safe deposti box provided at the hotel.
Information themselves. Keep a card bearing the name, your phone number, address, or number (can be relative or family) who can be contacted if an emergency.
If your wallet is lost, who knows kindly invented by people who want to restore your wallet. It is better to add information such as blood type and allergies.
Card name. Typically, the hotel provides a card that reads name, address, and phone number. Keep a business card in your wallet where you stay.
This is important especially if you are visiting countries that do not use Latin characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic-speaking countries, and others. You can show this card to the taxi driver to take you back to the hotel.
Currency notes. Keep a paper on the exchange rate of the country you are visiting. With this, you will always remember what it's worth when compared to exchange your home country.
This could save you in the shop. In addition, you are not always enough time to count the calculator on your phone. Direct write some comparisons currency.
So not only one comparison, for example, "1 Ringgit Malaysia (RM) equal to Rp 3,100", for this comparison is not just one alone. But add the proportion of 10 RM, 20 RM, 30 RM, and so on.
Card. You never know who will meet on the road. Who knows, in the middle of your vacation will be acquainted with the prospective business with you. Therefore, there is no harm in slipping a few cards in your name.
Do not carry too many cards. If you usually put the various ID cards such as TIN card to discount cards, begin to sort out. For example, unless the SIM international SIM card will not work if you take it out of the country.
Leave a card that does not need to be so you do not have a thick wallet. Thick wallet only invite thieves. If it is lost, you will just take care of the hassles of losing. Remove also bill or note payments only meet the wallet.
Information about health insurance. If you go abroad, you usually need travel insurance. Place the card information in the form of insurance office number to call.
Similarly, if you have health insurance to be used in

Also write the number of your insurance. It's good that you bring your insurance card is usually provided.
Wound plaster. Slip one or two band-aid. Band-aid will come in handy during an emergency such as foot blisters because a lot of walking.